Our series of webinars with the team at Financial Advantage Associates offers a valuable introduction to the world of investing. From types of accounts, to investment strategies and an explainer on how the stock market works, each 30-minute video is chock full of valuable tips to help you navigate the world of retirement planning and finance.

Stock Market Basics

Interested in investing but not sure where to start? Getting involved in the stock market can be risky business if you don’t know the basics. In this brief overview of how investing in the stock market works, you will learn:

    • Raising capital – equity vs. debt
    • Investing in cash, stocks, or bonds and the difference between them
    • Investment options: mutual funds, ETFs, and more

Strategies for Smart Investing

There are a variety of strategies you can use for investing. Financial experts from Financial Advantage Associates will break down the best strategies to follow, including:

    • The dollar cost averaging method
    • Why you should avoid investing with emotion
    • How to practice intentional investing

Diversify Your Accounts

Follow along as our resident financial experts from Financial Advantage Associates explain the importance of account diversification. You will learn:

    • Tips for achieving an optimal mix of assets
    • How time horizon affects your investments
    • Best practices for constructing a diversified portfolio

Types of Personal Accounts

This informative 30-minute session breaks down the different types of personal accounts available:

    • Checking and Savings Accounts
    • IRA, Employer Plans, and Non-Qualified Investment Accounts
    • Roth vs. Traditional account
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