Strengths coach TyAnn Osborn has helped thousands of people discover the value of their unique abilities to become more engaged, build stronger relationships and authentically show up in their daily lives. Watch our series of webinars with TyAnn, and learn how to tap into your unique talents and strengths to win at life and work.

5 Clues to Your Unique Talents

Each of us has unique talents but often we don’t know, or can’t articulate, what those are. It often seems easier to spot talents in others but feels somehow indulgent to talk about what makes us special. Knowing your talents isn’t bragging – it is the conscious alignment of your energy to your areas of most potential for exponential performance. There are 5 easy steps you can take to uncover your unique talents.

How to Increase Your Strategic Influence at Work
Have you ever been told that you need to “be more strategic” at work, but have little idea what exactly that means or how to get there? Let’s demystify the process! Understand the key to success as you rise higher in an organization or in leadership is not to be the best executor. It is to set a vision, communicate and accomplish work with and through others.
In a Work Funk? How to Get Unstuck
Have you ever had a case of the “Sunday nights”? You know that pit in your tummy feeling that rolls around on Sunday evening when you start thinking about work? Or maybe you have gotten the title, the job, the corner office but still aren’t satisfied… “is this all there is” you might be wondering? Or is your resume a collection of things you don’t want to do anymore? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. There’s hope. There are specific strategies for exiting your work funk.
Using Your Strengths to Overcome Your Weaknesses
Research from Gallup shows that we get the biggest bang for our buck when we spend the majority of our time operating in our areas of strength, rather than trying to remediate our weaknesses. But there are times when we do need to work through a problem. What’s the best way to do it in a way that preserves your energy and gets the best result? Use a strengths-based approach. We will look at identifying weaknesses and 4 specific strategies for dealing with challenges.
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